2 Teaching materials for the book “Architecture for Blockchain Applications”

On this website, we release the teaching materials accompanying the book

  • Xiwei Xu, Ingo Weber, and Mark Staples. Architecture for Blockchain Applications. Springer, 2019.

All teaching material is shared under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license. You may copy, distribute, display and perform this work, and make derivative works and remixes based on it, provided that you:

  • give the book authors credits for their work, by using the following statement: “Source: Xiwei Xu, Ingo Weber, and Mark Staples. Architecture for Blockchain Applications. Springer, 2019.”
  • share any adaptations under the same terms.

For the full terms, please refer to the license page.

2.1 Slide decks for the course “Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications”

This course is taught at TU Berlin, Germany and UNSW Australia. You can find details on the courses at the linked websites. Slide decks from the lectures of this course are available in the folder Slides.

2.2 Practice exam

A practice exam and slides with correct or sample answers are available in the folder Practice exam.